
February 22, 2019

NRLC tells Senate no more delays on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

NRLC tells Senate no more delays on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
Majority Leader McConnell (pictured) has indicated that on Monday, February 25th, the Senate will vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 311), sponsored by Senator Ben Sasse. The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nationwide federation of state right-to-life organizations, urges you to vote “aye” on this motion. We intend to include the roll call in our scorecard of key right-to-life roll calls of the 116th Congress.

National Right to Life believes that it is time for Congress to act decisively to put the entire abortion industry on notice that when they treat a born-alive human person as medical waste, as a source for organ harvesting, or as a creature who may be subjected to lethal violence with impunity, they will do so at grave legal peril. S. 311 would enact an explicit requirement that a baby born alive during an abortion must be afforded “the same degree” of care that would apply “to any other child born alive at the same gestational age,” including transportation to a hospital. This language does not dictate bona fide medical judgments nor require futile measures, but rather, requires that babies born alive during abortions are treated in the same manner as those who are spontaneously born prematurely.

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