
January 9, 2019

PBS Special Provides ‘Balanced’ Perspective on Abortion’s Black Genocide

PBS Special Provides ‘Balanced’ Perspective on Abortion’s Black Genocide
Last month, normally progressive PBS provided a transparent portrayal of the devastation abortion inflicts on the African American community. The special, titled “Anti-Abortion Crusaders: Inside the African American Abortion Battle,” surprised conservative media critics by giving voice to the message that “the most dangerous place for an African American child is in the womb.”

Rev. Clenard H. Childress praised PBS for its “fair and balanced” report on the subject. Childress, the assistant national director of LEARN, America’s largest African American Evangelical pro-life committee, was featured in PBS’ program and was quite pleased with being able to get out his message, one almost never acknowledged by the mainstream media.

During the program Childress was able to hammer home the fact that abortion providers target black women for abortions, and that in New York, for example, “more black babies are aborted than are born.” The statistics demonstrate that across America, where the black community only constitutes 13% of the population, a massive 35% of the abortions are performed on black babies.

Click here for more from NRL News Today.