
January 24, 2019

Iowa judge strikes down ‘heartbeat law,’ calls preborn child ‘potential life’

Iowa judge strikes down ‘heartbeat law,’ calls preborn child ‘potential life’
Yesterday, Iowa Judge Michael Huppert struck down Iowa’s heartbeat law that banned abortion after a preborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected. Though the heart begins to beat between 16 and 21 days after conception, the heartbeat can usually be heard around six weeks. According to Fox News, Judge Huppert, who used the unscientific term “potential life” to refer to a child in the womb with an audible heartbeat, struck the law down based on his claim that “the due process and equal protection provisions of the Iowa Constitution” do not “serve the compelling state interest of promoting potential life.”

owa Governor Kim Reynolds responded by saying, “I am incredibly disappointed in today’s court ruling, because I believe that if death is determined when a heart stops beating, then a beating heart indicates life.”

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