
January 16, 2019

Abortion worker says parents often unlawfully coerce daughters to abort

Abortion worker says parents often unlawfully coerce daughters to abort
Even though abortion is called a woman’s “choice,” many women feel pressured or coerced to abort — by parents, loved ones, employers, or others. Former abortion worker Tonya explains what she saw when parents of minors tried to force their daughters to abort:

[T]eens, young adults, and minors who are still living at home with their parents or legal guardians, are sometimes being forced to have an abortion or even feeling like they’re being pressured into having an abortion by that parent or legal guardian. This happens a lot of times to minors and young adults…

On the day of the appointment, you can usually tell the minor who does not want to be there just by their facial expression. Being upset and very emotional. When this is noticed, I’ll pull that patient to a private room to have a one-on-one talk with them without the parent being present, and sometimes the patient will say, “Yes, I am being forced to do this, and if I don’t, my parents will put me out or send me away.” And in other words, just turn their backs on them. You have parents who try to convince their child….

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