
October 31, 2018

VIDEO: New report details Planned Parenthood’s ‘political money laundering scheme’

Live Action has released a new report summarizing Planned Parenthood election efforts, dubbed as a “political money laundering scheme” to defeat pro-life candidates and elect pro-abortion politicians to carry out its agenda. Live Action News has previously documented that the abortion corporation’s political arms vowed to spend $20 million on their own in the 2018 midterms and $30 million in a consortium with other groups in a campaign called “Win Justice.”

“While Planned Parenthood and its political arms are separate on paper, because taxpayers are forced to give the abortion chain over $500 million a year, donors are freed up to direct their money to Planned Parenthood’s political agenda rather than to fund what nominal health services Planned Parenthood itself provides,” Live Action president Lila Rose stated in a press release.

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