
October 2, 2018

Pritzker blasts Rauner as not pro-abortion enough

Monday, JB Pritzker attacked Rauner as not pro-abortion enough

Governor Rauner's choice to agree with the Democrat majority in the Illinois House and Senate that taxpayers should pay for abortions was what Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates wanted - but it just isn't enough.  Monday, JB Pritzker attacked Rauner as not pro-abortion enough. Rauner hasn't come out against Brett Kavanaugh. He hasn't attacked Donald Trump enough.

Even though the governor signed the measure as they wanted, and Rauner and his wife gave over $50,000 to sponsor an April 2017 Planned Parenthood event, they're still not happy with him.They chose to endorse J.B. Pritzker instead (who also sponsored the Planned Parenthood event).

Click here for more from Illinois Review.