
October 10, 2018

Chicago Planned Parenthood botches at least six abortions in under a year

Chicago Planned Parenthood botches at least six abortions in under a year

According to 911 tapes obtained by the Pro-Life Action League, two women were transported by ambulance from a Chicago Planned Parenthood to Northwestern Hospital via ambulance for serious heavy bleeding in the same month. The 911 calls were given to Operation Rescue and show that both incidences took place at Planned Parenthood on LaSalle Drive in Chicago, where at least six known women have been hospitalized from botched abortions since November 2017.

The first emergency occurred on the July 5, 2018, and involved a 35-year-old abortion patient who was experiencing heavy bleeding suspected to be the result of either an injury to her uterus — such as a uterine perforation — or an injury to her cervix. The second botched abortion occurred July 27, 2018, and involved a 30-year-old abortion patient with uncontrolled vaginal bleeding. In August, Operation Rescue reported that there were four botched abortions at this same Chicago Planned Parenthood within four months. These emergencies bring the total to six botched abortions in a 12-month period.

Click here for the 911 call video and more from Live Action News.