
September 20, 2018

Congress, pro-life leaders urge government to stop buying aborted babies

Congress, pro-life leaders urge government to stop buying aborted babies
Recently, 85 members of Congress, along with a number of pro-life groups, have sent letters to the federal government in opposition of the FDA’s purchase of freshly aborted fetal remains for the purpose of research.

An emailed press release notes that Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), and Congressman Mark Walker (R-N.C.), along with 82 other members of Congress, are urging FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to put an end to the contract the FDA has with Advanced Bioscience Resources, a fetal tissue procurement company that was referred for criminal investigation by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives following a lengthy investigation into the illegal trafficking of aborted fetal body parts. The FDA is reportedly paying $15,900 to ABR for “fresh human fetal tissue” used by researchers to make mice with human immune systems.

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