
May 31, 2018

Abortion lobby attacks Pro-Life lawmakers' effort to stop taxpayer funding of abortions

The idea of standing firm against Illinois' latest taxpayer subsidy for women on Medicaid and state employee health care plans is meeting angry resistance from the abortion lobby in Springfield.

State Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) suggested earlier this week that taxpayer funding of abortions be separated out of the state budget for a vote on its own. The amount that has not yet been appropriated by the currently negotiated state budget would pay for approximately 30,000 abortions. The idea to block the funding was backed by fellow House members Tuesday while it was blasted by the abortion lobby - which attacked Rep. Breen on Twitter.

Personal PAC, the pro-abortion political action group that financially supports radical pro-abortion lawmakers and candidates, said women are not Breen's "bargaining chips" and called on lawmakers to #SAVEHB40. HB 40 is the measure Democrats alone passed to Governor Rauner's desk, were he signed the bill into  law setting women on Medicaid and state employee health plans for free, unrestricted abortions.

Tuesday, Rep. Breen was joined by Republican House members Tom Morrison (R), Jeanne Ives (R) Allen Skillicorn (R), Mark Batinick (R), Margo McDermed (R), C.D. Davidsmeyer (R), Sheri Jesiel (R) and Jerry Long (R), as well as three Democrat House members Jerry Costello (D), Monica Bristow (D) and Natalie Phelps-Finnie (D), to state their united opposition to the inclusion of taxpayer funds for elective abortion services in the FY 2019 budget.

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