
April 3, 2018

Supreme Court Rejects Gag Order Appeal in Undercover Video Case, But the Battle is Far from Over

Planned Parenthood abortionist Mary Gatter was seen in one unsealed CMP video haggling over how much money she could get for aborted baby remains, famously claiming that she wanted to buy a Lamborghini.

Planned Parenthood abortionist Mary Gatter was seen in one unsealed CMP video haggling over how much money she could get for aborted baby remains, famously claiming that she wanted to buy a Lamborghini.
The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Troy Newman over a gag order issued by a lower court that blocks the release of previously unpublished undercover videos created by the Center for Medical Progress. This allows the lower court ruling to stand.

Newman served as a founding board member for the Center for Medical Progress, and currently serves as President of Operation Rescue.

Through his attorney, Jay Sekulow, and his legal team from the American Center for Law and Justice, Newman argued that the gag order prohibited the release of incriminating videos to law enforcement agencies around the nation who sought the evidence in their own investigations. At least twenty state attorney generals had joined in the appeal.

"While appealing the gag order before the entire Supreme Court would have been preferable, we continue to fight the two oppressive lawsuits brought by the NAF and Planned Parenthood, which aim to silence us and conceal the truth about their involvement in the grisly illegal sale of aborted baby tissues and organs for profit," said Newman. "We pray that one day the full truth will come out, and those who have committed crimes will be held accountable in a court of law."

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