
April 24, 2018

Judge rejects request to transport Alfie Evans to Italy

Judge rejects request to transport Alfie Evans to Italy

Evidently there is nothing Alfie Evans can do, no matter how contrary to predictions of the medical “experts,” that will persuade trial judge Justice Hayden to allow his parents to take their very ill toddler to Bambino GesĂș Hospital, in Italy.

Doctors at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool took Alfie off the ventilator at roughly 9pm London time. Contrary to assurances made during the seven-day hearing before Justice Hayden that Alfie’s death “could be quite quick” once he was taken off of life-support, Alfie is holding his own almost a day later, breathing independently.

A spokeswoman for the Christian Legal Centre, which is representing Tom Evans and Kate James, said

“Alfie has survived much longer than the doctors predicted, lending support to the request from Alfie’s parents for Alfie to be seen by medical experts in Italy

“An air ambulance is now waiting outside Alder Hey Hospital ready to take Alfie to hospital in Italy.”

But Justice Hayden was unpersuaded, according to Rebecca Koncienzcy and Josh Parry of the Liverpool Echo. He wanted today’s rejection to be the “final chapter in the case of this extraordinary little boy.”

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