
March 27, 2018

Why LaHood voted no on Omnibus Bill

Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18)
Calling from his car after a constituency visit in Peoria Friday afternoon, Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18) told Illinois Review why he was the only Illinois Republican to vote "no" on the controversial Omnibus spending bill signed into law earlier in the day.

"There were two main reasons I opposed it," LaHood said. "First was process-wise. We had less than twelve hours to review a 2200 page bill, and there was no way we could know what was in it. Communication was lacking, and I couldn't support that.

"Second was the money and what programs the bill funded and didn't fund: I opposed money for Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, H2B Visa provisions, and a lack of funding for the wall, glaring things like that," he said. "I ran on those issues and I had to stick with them."

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