
March 7, 2018

Take Action: Conscience Protection for Doctors and Nurses

Take Action: Conscience Protection for Doctors and Nurses
No medical professional should ever be coerced or bullied to participate in an abortion, or have his or her job threatened for not participating in an abortion. And when it does happen, these health care providers need legal protections and remedies like those found in the Conscience Protection Act (S. 301/ H.R. 644).

Congress must pass a new government-wide appropriations bill by March 23, when current spending authority expires. National Right to Life is urging that the Conscience Protection Act be enacted as part of this upcoming “must-pass” appropriations bill.

The Conscience Protection Act would significantly strengthen federal conscience protections for health care providers, and prohibits any level of government from discriminating against health care providers, including doctors, nurses, hospitals, and insurers who decline to participate in abortions.

The Conscience Protection Act would also empower victims to seek relief in court for violations of the federal conscience laws.

ACT TODAY: Please click on this link, which will guide you through simple steps to communicate with your federal legislators to urge them to enact this vital legislation this month. This will take only a few minutes.

Help us to protect our much-valued and much-needed pro-life doctors and nurses.