
March 29, 2018

Pro-life group fights to get the truth out about abortion pill reversal

In 2007, an incredible medical advancement happened: Dr. Matthew Harrison saved the first preborn baby with abortion pill reversal. Several years later, in 2012, Dr. George Delgado and Dr. Mary Davenport published “Progesterone Use to Reverse the Effects of mifepristone” in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy, reporting a 66 percent survival rate in their first seven patients. Delgado then established the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, staffed 24/7 by nurses and medical professionals with a network of over 300 physicians around the world — a far cry from the technique’s humble beginnings.

Abortion pill reversal works to counteract RU-486, or medication abortions. A woman first takes mifepristone, which blocks progesterone from reaching the placenta. This causes the placenta to break down, essentially starving the baby of oxygen and nutrients. After 48 hours, if the abortion has not been completed — if the woman has not expelled the body of her dead baby — she then takes misoprostol, which induces labor, causing her to expel the placenta and the baby. After two weeks, she is supposed to return to the abortion facility to make sure that nothing remains of the baby in her uterus. In the video below, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains:

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