
March 28, 2018

Planned Parenthood deletes “We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion” tweet after barrage of criticism

“We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion.”

No, I am not kidding, that is actually what Planned Parenthood Keystone [Pennsylvania] wrote today on its Twitter Feed.

It turns out that the tweet had been deleted within an hour. Apparently even Planned Parenthood, which specializes in outrageous commentary, figured out it had gone too far: “This propaganda was so disturbing that even many ‘pro-choice’ individuals left critical comments on the post,” Bilger wrote.

But I’m sure after a couple of days of quiet, the same clever folks at PP Keystone that gave us “We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion” will bring back its audience more tastelessness.

Why am I so sure? It’s what they do.

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