
February 19, 2018

Report: As U.S. halts abortion funding overseas, International Planned Parenthood still promotes it

Report: As U.S. halts abortion funding overseas, International Planned Parenthood still promotes it

Last year, President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy (MCP), causing quite a stir among pro-choice advocates globally. Reinstating MCP would stop U.S. taxpayer money from being used to fund abortion overseas. On February 6, the State Department released a report on the implementation of the updated MCP, which showed that all but four of 733 grantees agreed to stop promoting abortion.

The MCP, rechristened as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) Policy, is a huge victory for pro-life people in the U.S. and abroad. This means $8.8 billion which was used for promoting abortion through family planning services in countries in need of development assistance will from now on receive assistance in projects that focus on real solutions.

Ever since the Presidential Memorandum reinstating MCP was issued last year, misinformation has been spread in both the U.S and abroad through pro-choice news media, claiming that this action endangers millions of people globally from having access to healthcare services under the tag “Global Gag Rule.” The truth is the exact opposite.

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