
February 20, 2018

NY abortionist says pro-lifers outside abortion clinics are the “American Taliban,” & that “their mere existence is a crime against women”

Merle Hoffman
Merle Hoffman (pictured), president and CEO of Choices Women’s Medical Clinic (Choices) in Jamaica, New York, who was questioned under oath February 15 by Liberty Counsel, has said that the “act of abortion positions women at their most powerful” because abortion gives women “power-and the responsibility-of taking life” so that they may control their own lives.

“Merle Hoffman has acknowledged the obvious — that abortion is the taking of human life. What is shocking is that she believes killing a helpless child empowers women by enabling them to achieve their selfish goals,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

In court, Hoffman admitted she collaborated with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to bring this frivolous federal lawsuit seeking to punish and silence pro-life and Christian speech on public sidewalks outside of her facility. Their “mere existence,” she said, is a “crime against women.” The case is being heard in a federal court in Brooklyn and will resume next week.

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