
January 17, 2018

Congress has means to pass ‘real protection’ of the unborn

Heartbeat Bill HR 490
Janet Porter, president and founder of Faith2Action, says President Donald Trump supports H.R.490, Vice President Mike Pence "loves it," Congress has 170 co-sponsors - and that it could actually pass by Friday.

"It's remarkable to think about the fact that we could be ending nearly every abortion through Congress by the end of the week,” Porter tells OneNewsNow. Friday, January 19, is the 45th annual March for Life in Washington, DC. “It's what we've been marching for for the last 45 years,” she adds, “and they know it's within their power [and] within their means to do it."

H.R.490 is sponsored by Republican Congressman Steve King of Iowa, who has said of the bill: “If a heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected.” Porter says pro-lifers are not going to be fooled by what she considers “fake” pro-life legislation that does little or nothing to protect children.

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