
January 24, 2018

2018 Election: What if pro-abortion Democrats took back the U.S. House?

We Vote Pro-Life
Democrats would need a net gain of 24 seats in order to take control of the House of Representatives, and in the process take the gavel out of the hands of pro-life Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wi.) and return it to pro-abortion Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.).

What would that mean for unborn children? It would be difficult to exaggerate the fall-out. If Nancy Pelosi has control of the agenda, there would no chance that protective pro-life legislation would ever be voted on, let alone passed.

Instead, we’ll be faced with a push for pro-abortion legislation like the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” (S.510, HR 1322), also known as the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act.” This is a bill radical even by pro-abortion standards that would invalidate nearly all state and federal limitations on abortion, including women’s right-to-know laws and waiting periods. It would also invalidate Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection laws that protect babies 20 weeks and older who can feel excruciating pain during abortion.

Their appetite whetted, pro-abortion Democratic leadership would then begin to attempt to dismantle many other pro-life laws.

And the biased pro-abortion media will celebrate the initiatives, claiming a “mandate” for abortion on demand.

We cannot allow that to happen. We know that every time we pass pro-life legislation lives are saved. In fact, one piece of pro-life policy alone – the Hyde Amendment, which restricts taxpayer funding of abortions except in rare cases – has saved two million babies. Even the process of passing pro-life legislation (i.e., the discussion surrounding passing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act) saves lives by educating the public about the unborn child’s capacity to experience horrific pain while she is killed.

Due to retirements, resignations or candidates running for other offices, in 2018, there are more than 30 pro-life Republicans seats to defend – twice as many seats as pro-abortion Democrats in.

Overall, there are 23 vulnerable pro-abortion Democrat seats compared to 61 vulnerable pro-life Republican seats so far this year...

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