
December 18, 2017

Center for Medical Progress asks that Judge be disqualified

Judge William Orrick
David Daleiden, the citizen journalist who heads the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), has stepped up his efforts to have San Francisco federal Judge William Orrick III (pictured) disqualified from the lawsuits brought against CMP by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation.

In a release sent out Wednesday, Daleiden said the CMP had filed a petition for a writ of mandamus in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that Judge Orrick’s “extrajudicial support of Planned Parenthood” means he should no longer preside.

Judge Orrick is responsible for the prior-restraint gag order that “censors CMP’s remaining undercover footage of Planned Parenthood at the National Abortion Federation’s annual meetings,” which CMP is currently is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to the press release. In addition

Daleiden cited four specific facts about Judge Orrick which justified his disqualification, including most significantly, “While in a leadership role at a San Francisco family resource center, Judge Orrick helped open, run, and fund a Planned Parenthood clinic in partnership with the family resource center. That clinic is part of Planned Parenthood Northern California, which has NAF membership and is now suing CMP in Judge Orrick’s courtroom.”

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