
November 21, 2017

Unborn child’s ‘pain’ shouldn’t get lost in the politics of the Pain Capable bill

Abortion Tools
“Does it hurt?” That is the question behind the bill that protects from abortion, babies in utero who are 20 weeks old and beyond. The abortion debate has grown so absurdly abstract; it’s time to refocus on fact like how much it hurts unborn babies to be pulled apart at 20 weeks. This is when a baby is quite developed and about the length of a banana. We know the answer. In fact, any five-year-old probably knows the answer. But here we are. The mere fact that we have to remind people says a lot about this debate. It has lost all sensibility. We are not seeing, hearing, or touching abortion; it has been turned into a philosophical argument about rights.

There is a reason why the word “pain” precedes all others in the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Pain is a universal human experience. It appeals to our human decency and common sense. People care about the suffering of others and, if they can eliminate it, they will. That’s why federal laws exists to protect cattle from unnecessarily feeling pain in the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. If we can do this for cattle, then certainly we must do even more for children.

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