
November 30, 2017

One Step Closer to the Supreme Court for David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress

David Daleiden
Life Legal's petition for review of the 9th Circuit's decision in National Abortion Federation v. Center for Medical Progress is moving forward in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Earlier this week, the Court requested additional briefing from the National Abortion Federation (NAF), an indication of interest in the case from some of the justices. NAF's brief is due at the end of December, after which Life Legal will file a reply.

The National Abortion Federation (NAF) sued David Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress (CMP) just weeks after Daleiden released his first video showing Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's Senior Director of Medical Services negotiating the sale of body parts from aborted babies up to five months gestation—all while enjoying her salad and wine.

Over lunch, Dr. Nucatola told Daleiden that when working with a body parts broker seeking specific organs, she will "basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact." She went on to say that when brokers are looking for the intact head of a baby, "some people will actually try to change the presentation," which is a violation of federal law.

NAF sought a gag order prohibiting CMP from releasing additional footage recorded at its annual conferences, fearing further public scrutiny of the unethical and illegal business practices of its members. Federal judge William Orrick, who previously served on the board of an organization that "partnered" with Planned Parenthood, issued the order.

Orrick held that Daleiden contracted away his First Amendment speech rights when he signed a non-disclosure agreement required by all NAF conference attendees. The disclosure agreement is designed to prevent the public from finding out about the abortion industry's unveiling of more efficient ways to kill unborn children.

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