
November 15, 2017

Adoption tax credit at stake in Congress decision

Graphic of a Baby
Congress is working to make sure adoptive families get a boost from the federal government.

The House version of tax reform dropped the adoption tax credit that helps people cover the expenses of an adoption, but the Senate version restored it. In addition, House Ways and Means chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) is proposing an amendment to the House version to put the adoption tax credit back in the mix.

OneNewsNow spoke with Tom Velie of New Beginnings Adoptions who calculated the savings for the government if it were eliminated.

"It hardly makes a drop in the bucket," says Velie. "It has such a potential negative impact on children and families. I don't think anyone who really looked into it would say that's the place to start cutting."

Cutting the tax credit would likely mean some eligible families would not adopt, leaving more children without a family.

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