
October 13, 2017

Renewed Push to Pass ERA in Illinois

Stop the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
There is a renewed push to pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the Illinois veto session that begins on October 24th, 2017.  Supporters of the ERA are targeting legislators and threatening to run candidates against them in the upcoming elections if they don't vote for the ERA. 

To counter these tactics, your Illinois state legislators need to hear from you.  They need to hear your continued encouragement for them to vote against the ERA, and they need to know you will support them if they vote no on the ERA.  Please remind them that the poorly worded ERA will harm women, harm our unborn children, and harm our society.

The ERA will harm our unborn children by overturning all restrictions on abortions and mandating taxpayer funding for elective medicaid abortions.  

Please contact your state legislator and state representative by phone and email and encourage them to vote no on the ERA (Bill #SJRCA0004).  If they have previously told you they will vote against the ERA, please contact them and encourage them to stay firm in their conviction to vote against the ERA.  Let them know you will support them in their no vote and in the elections.

Click here for contact information for your Senator and Representative.