
October 24, 2017

Pro-abortionist laments pro-lifers adroit use of Twitter

holding a twitter logo
Tip of the cap to Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, for his post informing us of a veteran pro-abortion scribe’s lament which was headlined, “The Anti-Abortion Movement Is Killing It on Twitter.”

The subhead to Robin Marty’s post–“Abortion opponents use the social media platform like a weapon, and with absolute precision—and they’re winning as a result. What are pro-choicers doing wrong?”–nicely summarizes the gist of her analysis.

To be fair, after her pro-forma lament (“anti-abortionists” are so mean to her online, as if somehow this is unique to pro-abortionists), Marty quickly concedes such “aren’t truly representative of anti-abortion Twitter.”

She is more interested in cutting to the chase than whining:

When it comes to the movement itself, it is a coordinated, well-oiled machine that uses Twitter with absolute precision.

And honestly, they are kicking our [behinds] every time they do it.

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