
October 16, 2017

President Trump tells pro-life audience he has kept this promises

Donald Trump 2017 Values Voter Summit
In a speech to the 2017 Values Voter Summit frequently punctuated by loud applause, President Donald Trump laid out a litany of promises that he said he had made and kept.

“Some of those promises are to support and defend the Constitution. I appointed and confirmed a Supreme Court Justice in the mold of the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia, the newest member of the Supreme Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch,” the President said to a standing ovation at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.

“To protect the unborn, I have reinstated a policy first put in place by President Ronald Reagan, the Mexico City Policy. (Applause.) “We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life.” (Applause.)

“To protect religious liberty, including protecting groups like this one, I signed a new executive action in a beautiful ceremony at the White House on our National Day of Prayer which day we made official,” Mr. Trump added.

In addition, “We have also taken action to protect the conscience rights of groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.”

The President was alluding to HHS’s announced interim final rule changes to the ObamaCare and HHS coverage mandate that would protect moral and religious rights of conscience.

“Rights of conscience are extremely important to the right-to-life movement to protect medical professionals, religious institutions and employers from being forced to participate in abortion,” said NRLC President Carol Tobias. “We commend President Trump for keeping his campaign promises by supporting these rights of conscience. These rule changes will help promote a policy that protects pro-life rights of conscience with regard to abortion.”

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