
September 29, 2017 Calls on Governor Rauner to Resign

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President Brian Burch called on Gov. Bruce Rauner to resign for signing H.B. 40 and breaking his promise to voters

“Gov. Bruce Rauner made a promise to the voters of Illinois that he would focus on the fiscal mess in Illinois and remain neutral on social issues. Many Republican and conservative voters took him at his word and helped him win election in 2014. Given his decision today to authorize taxpayer funding for abortion for any reason, he can no longer be trusted and should step down as Governor.

“The Governor gave his word to legislators earlier this year and vowed to veto this legislation.  Further, he promised the Cardinal Archbishop that he would not sign the bill. And just this week the entire Republican congressional delegation in Congress wrote to urge him to veto the bill.  He chose instead to betray his political allies and friends. There is no sugarcoating the fact that he has lost the trust and confidence of the Republican Party in Illinois.

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