
June 5, 2017

Video: Assisted Suicide Becoming Only Treatment Option for Terminally Ill, Disabled

Brian Callister, associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Nevada.
“It’s a lot cheaper to grab a couple drugs and kill you than it is to provide you with life sustaining therapy,” Dr. Brian Callister of Reno, NV told the Patients’ Rights Action Fund. “Simple as that.” His words appeared in a sobering video PRAF released exposing the shockingly limited treatment options available to terminally ill patients.

One particular option, however, is becoming increasingly available to patients – that is, if you can call it an ‘option’ at all. Physician assisted suicide, now legal in California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Washington State, and Washington, D.C., has been recommended more and more frequently. Yet the healthcare professionals recommending assisted suicide are not necessarily doctors. Insurance companies are beginning to cash-in on the fact that legalized assisted suicide proves less expensive than covering life-saving procedures. “They want to do whatever the least costly thing is,” Dr. Callister told PRAF.

In the video, Dr. Callister related how insurance companies denied life-saving procedures to two of his terminally ill patients yet asked whether they had considered physician assisted suicide.

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