
April 25, 2017

HB 40 (the taxpayer abortion funding bill) passed the House on a 62-55 vote, and now moves to the Senate

Say No to Tax-payer Funded Abortion HB40
Today’s passage of House Bill 40 denoted the culmination of a legislative spring break marked by Gov. Bruce Rauner’s promise to veto the legislation, which was quickly followed by accusations of broken campaign promises.  HB 40 passed the House on a 62-55 vote, and now moves to the Senate for consideration. The vote roll call can be seen here.

Public opinion polls indicate strong opposition to public funding of abortion. A January 2017 poll conducted by the Marist Institute for Public Opinion for the Knights of Columbus shows that 61 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, including 40 percent of those who say they are pro-choice.

Only 15 states currently pay for elective abortions for Medicaid participants, and 11 of those states do so through a court order, not legislative action.

A better use of taxpayer money would be to fund prenatal services for the poor and child care for working mothers, as well as expand health-care options for those in need.

Information from Catholic Conference of Illinois