
March 7, 2017

OB/GYN group blasts $600M global abortion fund: Women need help having babies, not killing them

MaterCare International, Canada (MCI) opposes the current funding initiatives by nearly 50 countries to provide and promote abortions as the family planning method of choice for poorer countries. The Canadian government is committing nearly $20 million to the $600 million international goal to fund so-called sexual health and family planning initiatives reacting to the US withdrawal of funds for abortions and abortion-related services overseas. MCI opposes this titanic effort of the international community in choosing to fund abortions, which do not significantly reduce maternal deaths, over meeting the basic obstetrical needs of mothers and children in order to greatly reduce maternal mortality.

MCI has spent over 20 years working with mothers and children in some of the world’s poorest regions. In our decades of experience, we have seen that the only coherent way to reduce maternal and perinatal mortalities is to provide essential obstetrical care that women take for granted here in Canada. Causes of maternal mortality are well known and include; postpartum haemorrhage (35%), Hypertension (18%), Indirect causes (HIV, anaemia, malaria & non-communicable diseases) (18%), other direct causes (ectopic pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, obstructed labour) (11%), amounting to 91%. Deaths occur during the last three months of pregnancy, during labour and delivery and two weeks afterwards and are preventable with essential obstetrics, which includes comprehensive prenatal care with identification of mothers as high risk mothers, safe clean facilities, adequately equipped in which to deliver, and properly trained  health professionals, midwives and doctors.

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