
March 31, 2017

Illinois pushes hard against pro-lifers

Illinois lawmakers are taking another step to curtail members of the pro-life community.

Illinois has become one of the most pro-abortion states in the nation. It took 15 years for the Thomas More Society to work through the courts to get a parental notification law in place.

According to Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League in Chicago, the state passed a conscience bill last year "that is forcing doctors and even pro-life pregnancy centers to not only make abortion referrals but to sing the praises of abortion." And another bill is being proposed that would require taxpayers to pay for abortion.

Four Democratic state representatives from Chicago have introduced H.B. 3735.  If the bill passes, heavy fines and jail terms could be lodged against sidewalk counselors found guilty of intimidating women entering an abortion clinic.

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