
March 21, 2017

HB 3735 Clinic Crimes Bill

Illinois Pro-abort Bill:

HB 3735 Clinic Crimes Bill

House Sponsors:
Rep. Conroy

Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading in the House


HB 3735 Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that it is an aggravating factor in sentencing that the defendant committed a crime of violence or criminal damage to property in a woman's health clinic or on the real property comprising the clinic or who intimidates persons attending the clinic or physicians or nurses at the clinic performing services at the clinic. Defines "woman's health clinic" and "crime of violence".

The Illinois Federation for Right to Life does not support violence at or property damage to abortion clinics.  The serious problem with HB 3735, is that it will enhance penalties for imprisonment on speech that is not approved by others by the addition of “intimidation” in this bill.   Protecting free speech, even those we don’t agree with, should generally be all of our concerns.

In the heated debate of abortion, is a person holding a sign that shows aborted baby pictures showing “contempt or ridicule?”   Does heated speech where a person cries out “Don’t kill your baby” rise to “contempt or ridicule” so that it is a crime that carries” 2 years and not more than 10 years in prison?” 

HB 3735 will be “an aggravating factor in sentencing” if done at an abortion clinic rather than any other place.  This is clearly targeted at actually intimidating speech of sidewalk counselors and/or protesters

Now is the time to contact your Representatives.  Click here for contact information for your Representative.  Urge the to vote NO on HB 3735