
February 8, 2017

Nationwide Rallies Support Congressional Move to Defund Planned Parenthood

As Congress moves forward with plans to reallocate funding from Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion business, to comprehensive health care centers, citizens across America will speak up in support of the action. Saturday, February 11, groups will gather outside over 200 Planned Parenthood facilities in 44 states and the nation's capital to #ProtestPP. There will also be overseas support with a demonstration at the London headquarters of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which was recently defunded by executive order.

"The federal government has been subsidizing Planned Parenthood to the tune of more than $430 million annually," explained Eric Scheidler, national organizer of #ProtestPP. "This, at the same time that the nation's largest abortion provider holds $500 ticket fundraisers and charges a woman about $500 to abort her baby," he continued. "On top of that, Planned Parenthood is trafficking baby body parts. Taxpayers are sickened to see their money spent in support of these atrocities."

Click here for more information on the demonstration.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.