
February 28, 2017

ACTION ALERT - Obamacare Repeal and Replacement

Congress has just returned to Washington after a recess last week.  National Right to Life expects committees to begin drafting budget reconciliation legislation, which may contain the following:

1. Language to repeal some or all of Obamacare
2. Elements of healthcare replacement and
3. Language to defund Planned Parenthood


It is urgent that you reach out to your Republican pro-life lawmakers to urge that any healthcare replacement legislation must explicitly exclude abortion coverage.

Our Republican pro-life Congressmen in Illinois are:

CD  6 – Rep. Peter Roskam 202-225-4561
CD 12 – Rep. Michael Bost 202-225-5661
CD 13 – Rep. Rodney Davis 202-225-2371
CD 14 – Rep. Randy Hultgren 202-225-2976
CD 15 – Rep. John Shimkus 202-225-5271
CD 16 – Rep. Adam Kinzinger 202-225-3635
CD 18 – Rep. Darin LaHood 202-225-6201  

Don’t know who your Congressman is?  Click here to find your Congressman.

Tell your lawmakers:

• Taxpayer's money must not be used to purchase insurance plans that cover abortion.

• Insurers must not be mandated to cover abortion and there must be conscience protections for health care providers.

• They should retain employer paid health insurance and keep it fully untaxed so that Americans who have employer-based insurance have continued access to quality healthcare, rather than rationed more each.