
January 16, 2017

House joins Senate in taking first step to repeal and replace Obamacare

House Speaker Paul Ryan
House Speaker Paul Ryan
Just one day after the Senate took a similar action, the House of Representatives today passed a budget resolution which established a framework for repealing and replacing the “Affordable Health Care Act”–Obamacare.

The House vote was 227-198. The Senate vote, which occurred early Thursday morning, was 51-48.

The House action took place exactly one week before the inauguration of pro-life Donald Trump who has called Obamacare the “unaffordable care act.”

For pro-lifers, there are multiple highly objectionable provisions in Obamacare including provisions for tax-based subsidies to about 1,000 health plans that cover elective abortions and which impose government-imposed rationing of lifesaving medical care.

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