
December 20, 2016

Trump election means “it’s just no fun anymore” for PPFA

Betty Cockrum, the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky
Betty Cockrum
Geez, you have to feel sorry, sort of, for Betty Cockrum, the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. In fact for all of Planned Parenthood.

In an interview with the student newspaper at Indiana University, Cockrum told Lindsay Moore that following the election of Donald Trump, “The agenda and mood of Planned Parenthood’s post-election national meeting changed dramatically.”

“When your fellow CEOs say, ‘It’s just no fun anymore. It just gets harder by the day,’ that’s tough,” Cockrum said. “You just got to go shoulder to shoulder and keep each other going.”

No fun!

No smiles as your organization traffics in the organs of aborted babies? No whoop and hollering when the annual tally kept by the national office goes over 300,000 dead babies mark? No laughter when your deep-pocketed legal representatives are able to enjoin a law that does no more than give women the opportunity to view an ultrasound of their child at least 18 hours prior to performing abortions?

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