
December 13, 2016

7 Moms, 7 Babies to Visit D.C. with Powerful Pro-Life Message

Nikki and her daughter, Alexis, are headed to Washington, D.C. to tell their story this January. Photo Courtesy: Options Pregnancy Clinic, Branson (Mo.)
Nikki and her daughter, Alexis, are headed to
Washington, D.C. to tell their story this January.
Photo Courtesy: Options Pregnancy Clinic, Branson (Mo.)
While the nation’s attention will be focused on the presidential inauguration of Donald J. Trump in early 2017, two powerful pro-life events are scheduled for the following week in the nation’s capitol.

Commemorating the 44th year since the Supreme Court legalized abortion on-demand throughout the U.S. with its landmark Roe v. Wade decision, the annual March for Life is expected to draw as many as 500,000 peaceful demonstrators in its Jan. 27 event.

A day prior to the march, however, Heartbeat International will bring seven mothers—and their babies—to meet with their representatives in the U.S. House and Senate in its Babies Go to Congress event, where mothers tell how they chose life over abortion with the help of a local pregnancy center.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.