
November 9, 2016

Congratulation to Pro-Life President-elect Donald Trump

National Right to Life Committee, the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters, congratulates pro-life President-elect Donald Trump on his win against pro-abortion candidate Hillary Clinton. We also congratulate the Trump campaign team, led by Kellyanne Conway, on running a brilliant campaign against a candidate who had unprecedented financial resources and the backing of the mainstream media.

“Clinton and the Democratic Party have taken the most extreme abortion position possible, including support for late abortions when the baby can feel pain and seeking to change the law so that taxpayer dollars would be used to fund abortion on demand,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Donald Trump took a strong, principled pro-life position, heard by millions of Americans in the third debate. He never backed down on his opposition to abortion and he won.”

National Right to Life also congratulates pro-life Republican senators...

Congratulations also to pro-life House members who prevailed and kept the U.S. House under pro-life leadership.

“Pro-life voters showed that protecting unborn children is not only the right position, but the best winning political position,” said Tobias. “National Right to Life looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and the newly elected pro-life Congress on policy initiatives to protect the lives of unborn children.”

Click here for more from National Right to Life.