
October 4, 2016

UNFPA Facilitates Access to Abortion Pills

A recently released official review of UNFPA–Evaluation of the UNFPA Support to Family Planning 2008-2013–reveals UNFPA’s work to ensure that the drug Misoprostol is in on the essential medicines list in many countries which the evaluation notes “has revolutionized access to safe abortion.”

Misoprostol is the second drug in the RU-486 regimen which causes uterine contractions and the expulsion of the preborn child from the womb. Countries with pro-life laws do not register the first RU-486 drug, Mifepristone, since it has only one use–to bring about the death of the child in the womb.

However, since Misoprostol has other uses, including maternal life-saving use for the prevention and treatment of post partum hemorrhage, countries most often register the drug and include it on the country’s essential medicines list for this purpose. Once the drug is in the country, pro-abortion NGOs then work to inform women on use of the drug for self-induced abortion via abortion hotlines or by direct distribution of the pills, including in countries where abortion is illegal.

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