
October 12, 2016

“In case you didn’t know”…

A few of the many implications of a question asked in Sunday’s second presidential debate...

The issue of the Supreme Court–and its composition under either a President Trump or a President Clinton–did not come up until near the end. A questioner stated/asked

Good evening. Perhaps the most important aspect of this election is the Supreme Court justice. What would you prioritize as the most important aspect of selecting a Supreme Court justice?

In case you didn’t know, Clinton said,”I want a Supreme Court that will stick with Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose.” She added, “Now Donald put forth of the names of people he would consider. And among the ones that he has suggested are people who would reverse Roe v. Wade,” which, she said, “would be a terrible mistake and take us backwards.

Trump responded...

Justice Scalia, great judge, died recently and we have a vacancy. I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of justice Scalia. I am looking for judges and have actually picked 20 of them. So that people would say: Highly respected. Highly thought of and actually very beautifully reviewed by just about everybody. But people that will respect the Constitution of the United States. And I think that this is so important.

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