
October 6, 2016

Archbishop Aquila thoughtfully answers the question, “How should a Catholic vote?”

Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver
Archbishop Samuel Aquila
of Denver
In just 33 days Americans will make a monumental decision: who will be the 44th President of the United States. This will the 13th presidential election in which I have cast my vote and never have the stakes been higher.

Archbishop Samuel Aquila, writing in the Denver Catholic offers counsel as he addresses the question, “How should a Catholic vote?” He is not telling his parishioners whom to vote for, of course, but rather what principles should inform their decision as a Catholic.

Archbishop Aquila explains that he told a group of Catholics at a dinner gathering that he is not keen on either presidential candidate but

Then I said that they need to reflect on the platforms of both parties, with an emphasis on the human life issues. Everyone at the table knew well the teaching of the Church on life and the dignity of life. They knew that Catholics in good conscience cannot support candidates who will advance abortion.

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