Last week, artist Sam Doyle decided to spread his message by painting the word “REPEAL” in giant letters - over a suicide hotline.
The rock face Doyle painted on displayed the number for a suicide prevention group, and he was criticized for having “obliterated” it. In fact, replacing an anti-suicide message with a pro-abortion one is sadly fitting: a study published in the British Medical Journal found that the suicide rate was higher among women who had abortions.
Doyle was also criticized by pro-lifers when he appeared on a radio talk show. In response, he insisted, “If people don’t want to have an abortion, they don’t have to.”
The facts in America show otherwise.
According to some research, more than half of women who abort feel pressured to do so. It can range from personal blackmail to financial coercion. Threats of violence are also used; they aren’t always idle. Women have been shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, burned and smothered for refusing to abort, which helps explain why the CDC lists homicide as a leading cause of death during pregnancy.
Who inflicts this pressure? Sometimes it’s abusive partners hoping to avoid child support. Others are sex predators trying to hide their crimes. Human traffickers use it as well. In the video below, a trafficking survivor named Nicole describes being forced into two abortions, something she calls “the hardest.”
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