
August 18, 2016

What a repeal of the Hyde Amendment would mean

The Guttmacher Institute is the abortion industry’s think tank, formerly a “special research affiliate” of Planned Parenthood, whose analyses the media treats reverentially.

If you go to the Guttmacher Policy Review dated September 13, 2013, you’ll learn a primary reason that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party are determined to repeal the Hyde Amendment, an annually enacted law that prohibits federal Medicaid funding for abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

In the Review, you’ll find the conclusion that if the Hyde Amendment were repealed, “The number of abortions among Medicaid-eligible women nationwide would be expected to increase by approximately 33,000 [annually].”

Guttmacher sniffs that this would represent “only a 2.5% increase in the number of abortions performed nationwide,” although to anyone who does not draw a paycheck from the Abortion Industry or who has a heart, that is a lot of additional dead babies.

In fact, the impact would be even worse. As NRLC’s Federal Legislation Director Douglas Johnson noted, “It should be kept in mind that the 33,000 projection applies only to Medicaid, but the actual effects of losing the Hyde Amendment would be broader, because some other federal health programs (e.g., Indian Health Service) track the Hyde Amendment policy as well, either by law or as a political matter.”

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