
August 30, 2016

Upcoming AMA fight foreshadows potential Supreme Court Battle

There is an effort currently underway within the American Medical Association (AMA) to abandon its long-standing position opposing assisted suicide and take a neutral stance. Assisting suicide is now legal in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and California, and the practice may have some legal protection in the state of Montana.

Why is that important? Both the national and state medical societies’ opposition to doctor-prescribed suicide have been instrumental in stopping the spread of these dangerous laws. In fact, when the Vermont and California medical societies took neutral positions, it was devastating to the efforts in the legislature to block legalization.

Following the national annual AMA meeting several weeks ago, its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs was instructed to “study aid-in-dying as an end-of-life option.”[1] Moreover, the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs has been directed to develop a recommendation “regarding the AMA taking a neutral stance on physician aid-in-dying.”

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