
August 4, 2016

Kaine tells CNN he is “fully committed” to repealing of the Hyde Amendment but also supports it

Tim Kaines says he supports all of Hillary Clinton’s political agenda.

Let’s see how Tim Kaine can explain his position on the Hyde Amendment, a provision of an annual bill which eliminates public funding for abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, is credited with saving over a million lives.

Yes, no, no, yes, I’ll check it out….what’s the latest? Glad you asked. Here’s how the Hill’s Jonathan Swan explains it:

Kaine, who says he personally opposes abortion but will support all elements of the Democratic presidential nominee’s agenda, created confusion over his stance Sunday when he said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that his position on the Hyde Amendment had not changed.

“On Hyde, my position is the same. I support the Hyde Amendment. I haven’t changed that,” he said.

“As the vice president, I have to get comfortable with the notion that I can have my personal views but I’m going to support the president of the United States, and I will.”

One of the “elements of the Democratic presidential nominee’s agenda” which pro-abortion Hillary Clinton passionately embraces, is gutting the Hyde Amendment.

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