
August 9, 2016

Abortion Cartel Files Fourth Lawsuit Against David Daleiden

David Daleiden
David Daleiden
David Daleiden has been hit with yet another lawsuit stemming from his videos exposing Planned Parenthood's illegal sale of baby body parts. The most recent lawsuit was filed by employees of Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities, who sold fetal tissue, and by employees of the University of Washington (UW) and other laboratories, who purchased the parts of aborted babies. The University of Washington is named, along with Daleiden, as a defendant in the suit.

After learning that the University of Washington had purchased fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood, David submitted a public records request seeking information about the transactions, including invoices and purchase orders, from the University. The request was made in February of this year.

Inexplicably, UW waited a full five months to notify Planned Parenthood and the other parties that the records would be released this week. Planned Parenthood immediately filed the class action lawsuit to prevent Daleiden from receiving the information, citing, among other things, Planned Parenthood's constitutionally protected "right to associate" with buyers of fetal body parts.

This lawsuit comes just as Daleiden was cleared of bogus criminal charges, also intended to silence him, in Texas.

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