
July 14, 2016

Would a President Hillary Clinton be any worse than other pro-abortion Democrat Presidents? Yes! Here’s how

Can Hillary Clinton be worse? Oh, yes. Let me count just some of the ways.

Clinton likes to talk about herself as a “grandmother.” But because of the policies she has supported–and would vigorously advance as President Hillary Clinton–there are far fewer grandmothers, and mothers,

Proud “feminist” that she is, Clinton is not shy about her unabashed, four-square support for abortion on demand, at home and abroad.

Before itemizing just a portion of her many extremist positions, remember that Clinton is a founding mother of the Sisterhood of Death. PPFA loves her, EMILY’s List adores her, NARAL thinks she is a secular saint. Collectively they will spend multiple tens of millions of dollars to elect “one of them” to the White House.

In the administration of a President Hillary Clinton, PPFA et al. won’t just have access. You can bet a slew of its key leaders will not only advise on policy but also be in appointed positions where they can make policy.

Half of her appointments (at least) will be women. Can you imagine any woman making the cut if she didn’t pass the pro-abortion litmus test?

As a U.S. Senator, Clinton had a 100% voting record against the babies. While some others of her ilk found partial-birth abortions a step too far, not Clinton. Clinton voted repeatedly to keep partial-birth abortion legal.

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