
July 13, 2016

Victory: GOP Party Platform to Include 'Right to Life' for Pre-Born, Defunding of Planned Parenthood

The Republican Party Platform Committee adopted draft language on Tuesday that supports defunding Planned Parenthood and extending the Constitutional "right to life" to pre-born babies.

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, in currently in Cleveland with #OperationRNC, which is a campaign led by Created Equal to ensure the GOP party platform remains pro-life.  Newman also served as a founding board member of the Center for Medical Progress, the group that released undercover videos last year showing Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of aborted baby parts.

"We are celebrating today on the streets of Cleveland. We got everything we have asked for in the party platform," said Newman. "This shows that the pro-life movement is strong, influential, and here to stay until abortion is banned permanently."

The adopted draft language states:

The Constitution's guarantee that no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence's proclamation that "all" are "endowed by their Creator" with the right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.

We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to children before birth. We oppose the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations, like Planned Parenthood, that perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage.

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