
July 18, 2016

PP aborted nearly 1M globally in 2015

A recent report released by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) divulged that 964,325 preborn babies were killed via abortions administered through its affiliates last year by both surgical and chemical procedures.

Pro-life advocates say that the number is a “tragedy beyond reckoning.”

“If you were to read off the names of IPPF’s tiny victims — without sleeping, breaking or pausing — it would take you almost two years,” reports. “In fact, you would never finish. By the time you finished reading the list of all the lives lost in 2015, IPPF’s abortion facilities will have added another 2 million lives to be accounted for.”

In fact, Planned Parenthood’s legacy of terminating human life goes back many decades.

“Over the past 60 years, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and its affiliates have terminated the lives of millions more unborn children,”’s Jonathan Abbamonte and Steven W. Mosher informed. “IPPF claims to have provided 16.8 million abortion-related services over the past five years — some 4.3 million in 2015 alone. IPPF invests tens of millions of dollars in its affiliates and other like-minded organizations every year to promote abortion and contraception worldwide.”

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