
July 6, 2016

Amazing Computer Animation Shows In Utero Development of Human Face

On its webpage The BBC offers some absolutely amazing examples of science developed with laypeople in mind. But replete with spectacular graphics, its series on “Inside the Human Body” may be the most fascinating of all.

Although it first appeared over four years ago, it wasn’t until later that most of here in the states become aware of a YouTube video of one segment—a time-lapse of the development of the human face in utero.

According to the New Scientist, the animation “is based on human embryo scans captured between 1 and 3 months after conception, the period during which a face develops.”

In the video Michael Mosley, the producer and presenter, explains, “The three main sections of the puzzle meet in the middle of your top lip, creating the groove that is your philtrum.” He adds, “This whole amazing process, the bits coming together to produce a recognizable human face, happens in the womb between two and three months.”

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